Commented on Hodgepodge:
   "Ha! That’s probably the best compliment you could give! Thank you so much!!"
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4 years ago

Commented on Nick & Amy:
   "Love, love, love!!"
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4 years ago

Commented on Nick & Amy:
   "🤣🤣 Squirrels most definitely ARE assholes, as anyone with a garden or a dog can attest!"
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4 years ago

Commented on Morningland:
   "Wait - WHAT?? Dammit Zac, I need MOOOOORE! You can't do this to me...😭 (I love it, BTW, edge of my freaking seat, breathing fast, adrenaline pumping LOVE it)"
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4 years ago

Commented on Bang to Begin.:
   "Again, wonderfully written! Again, not entirely sure I know what’s going on... I love the subtle ways you tie the stories together, letting us know who the narrator is without saying who it is. I’ll have to read back through previous installments and through the teddy bear part - it’s terrifying even if I don’t exactly know what happened. (Was there fluff lying around him? Organs? Mechanical bits? Definitely will have me thinking for a while. Well done!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Bang to Begin.:
   "Very cool. Kind of a 'Firestarter' government conspiracy vibe... I'm not sure if the way he sees his mom or how fine he is with it is more disturbing. I'd love to read more about this, see where Oliver goes and what happens to his dad - and is the last name thing subliminal? Like, they're trying to keep him calm? 🤔 I'll definitely be thinking about this the rest of the day. As always, I love the cadence, the descriptions. I will say that the last scene switch confused me, that I wasn't sure whose point of view it was at first, but that's probably just me. Nice work!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Bang to Begin.:
   "Yeah...I'm not feeling good about this 'facility'..."
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5 years ago

Commented on The Last First Date:
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5 years ago

Commented on The Last First Date:
   "Haha! Poor Beth. Oh well, getting involved with someone who lives in your building may not be a good idea anyway."
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5 years ago

Commented on Hodgepodge:
   "🥰🤩Thanks! I think it’s going to be a lot of fun!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Morningland:
   "Oh man. I'm terrified at what Jess and Benjamin have to tell him...And I'm sure Rick is going to have nightmares for a long while! I love the character development, too - he was a loner, contemplating suicide, and now he's the one working so hard to save everyone, putting himself at risk with every step. I don't think he would have done that at the beginning. Well done!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Bang to Begin.:
   "Heart-stopping! So much action and amazing description! Still a fan. 👍"
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5 years ago

Commented on Bang to Begin.:
   "Aaaaagh!! I would love to read more about this. I'm picturing Reavers (from Firefly?) in the devil ship and the intrepid captain rescuing her crew from certain death! The technical speak is fascinating - I will assume it's accurate because, well, I don't know any better. 🤷‍♀️ I think you do a good job of demonstrating the different personalities in such a short time, too. I'd like more story, though... Well done!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Last First Date:
   "Oooh...Oliver sounds promising! I really really hope Henry shows up again, too. He was delightful."
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5 years ago

Commented on The Domesticated Poet:
   "🥰 I miss my littles. Youngest is a senior this year. I still check in with him. Like you, I can sense when he's got something on his mind. He's my quiet one, the only one I have to drag information out of. He's been a serious little old man for as long as I can remember. As the youngest, he benefits from all the nonsense his older siblings pulled and went through and has told me that it's just easier to tell me the truth. (Amen, kid.) I ask him point-blank questions about his girlfriend, about drugs/alcohol, about his friends or other kids in school. I'm exceptionally fortunate that he tells me, too. (Sorry - this shouldn't be about me 🙄) Keep at it, Mama! Make deep talk as normal as breakfast and they'll most likely keep it up for the rest of their lives!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Bang to Begin.:
   "As always, great prose. I love the way the words flow. Great story, too! So much confusion: who can he trust, is anyone the good guy? Is the character even the good guy? Left up to the reader whether his fate is deserved, I suppose...Loved it!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "You're so sweet! I know they have more to tell me, but I'm a fan of the HEA! Thank you so much for reading and for always being so supportive!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Don't know what happened. That other comment was in the wrong place. Ugh. Family. Even if they don't give the right answer, they sure can push you toward clarity!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Leave it to the best friend to be the voice of reason. 😀"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Thank you, Kerriann! I have loved writing them. Your support has meant the world to me!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Morningland:
   "Damn, man. Edge of my seat. 😲😨😱"
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5 years ago

Commented on Bang to Begin.:
   "Wow. Wow wow wow. Lots of thoughts on this. There is some beautiful alliteration, some very clever and deep wordplay. I heard it in my head read like the poetry of Jim Steinman ( and imagined Fate as the IT from A Wrinkle in Time in places (A trick. Distraction by deception, fueled by love, reinforced by misery). I felt a lot of relevant and meaningful messages, whether they were intended or not. There was some outstanding imagery! The paragraph in the first chapter that starts, "Hammer and chisel" was gorgeous. There were times this felt like the imaginings of a fever dream that I would never be able to understand and then there were parts that seemed crystal clear. You're right, it's different than your other work, but I still really enjoyed it and will most likely read through it several more times."
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5 years ago

Commented on Morningland:
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5 years ago

Commented on Nick & Amy:
   "Yay! Glad to have Nick & Amy back! Does having your office finished give you the BEST mojo?"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Last First Date:
   "Atta girl, Cheryl!!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Last First Date:
   "Oh. My. Walt is horrible."
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5 years ago

Commented on Morningland:
   "HOLY BUCKETS. That was a little...stressful. 😲 I may have nightmares tonight and never ever go in the water again. I'm ready for the next chapter, kthx."
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5 years ago

Commented on Bang to Begin.:
   "I love how a couple new characters are introduced and explained in each chapter. Gets me even more invested in each installment! Quite intrigued to see what happens next...There are so many possibilities!!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Domesticated Poet:
   "Those bitches. 😡 There is a way to give criticism without being a jerk. I’m sorry you went through that. BUT I love your attitude, using it as fuel to keep growing! ❤️"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Domesticated Poet:
   "Sorry I’m late to this series, but I feel this. Entirely. I’ve had a career, I’ve been a SAHM, I ran a daycare to straddle both worlds. The insecurity is no joke and the people who look down on staying home have no idea how much you do, how much there isn’t time for, how much isolation there is, how much guilt there is over the ways you (I) are letting people down no matter how much you do, and how easy it is to lose yourself and your self worth. 😞 I am in awe of your range of talent! So glad I “met” you and I’m diving in to your series with both feet!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Domesticated Poet:
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5 years ago

Commented on The Resurrection of Gideon:
   "Wow! This is delightful in characterizing a monster! Well done!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Leeds Devil:
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5 years ago

Commented on Hodgepodge:
   "Well, it's a little late, but Chapter 10 of Bradford Mansion is live! I hope you like it! 😀"
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5 years ago

Commented on Hodgepodge:
   "🥰🥰🥰 Thank you!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Last First Date:
   "Ooooh. Nate, huh? 😁 I hope we see more of him!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Hodgepodge:
   "Posted a new chapter of The Photo in the Window! Hoping to have the next Bradford Mansion chapter up today, too...wish me luck!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Last First Date:
   "Oh man, Doug is such a dude-bro! 😆 Poor Beth..."
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5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Doesn't he sound wonderful? TOTALLY based on my hubs. 😍"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Thank you, Rebecca! That means so much! 😊"
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5 years ago

Commented on Hodgepodge:
   "Is it bad to say I really enjoyed writing this? I walk my dogs on a trail nearby and was amazed at how easy it was to see into homes after dark! I ALWAYS shut my blinds at night because you can't see out, have no idea who might be lurking. Terrifying. (Honestly started with a Bigfoot movie I saw when I was 6!) My imagination mixed in all the Criminal Minds episodes I have filed away and this story was born. 😬"
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5 years ago

Commented on Hodgepodge:
   "I agree! It really was transformative for me! I had never before thought of writing as something I could DO and possibly get published. So many great things have come out of taking that first step of going to the in-person write ins. I will always encourage others to push themselves a little farther and to really step out of their comfort zone. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. 😀"
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5 years ago

Commented on Morningland:
   "😱😵 Oh man, the moment we've all been waiting for!! Hanging on every word once again, Zac..."
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5 years ago

Commented on The Leeds Devil:
   "Really nicely written! I love the scholarly tone - reminds me a bit of Jonathan Harker - and it really fits the time frame. And yes, please, tell us the true tale of Deborah Leeds! Redeem her memory! (Guh - I'm already drawn in...) Can't wait for more!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Hodgepodge:
   "Aw, thanks!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Hodgepodge:
   "That makes me so happy!! This was my first short story and I really enjoyed writing it! I find that I like writing the darker stuff, sometimes...😈I'm glad you liked it!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Bang to Begin.:
   "Deliciously dark and disturbing...?"
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5 years ago

Commented on Bang to Begin.:
   "Devoured it, perhaps?"
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5 years ago